When you lack confidence, it’s hard to achieve anything worthwhile. You can’t get promotions at work, you don’t ask someone out on a date, and you’re too nervous to go talk to that new person in your office. However, the good news is that you can build confidence in yourself through practice, persistence, and knowing what works and what doesn’t work.
In this guide on ways to build confidence in yourself, you’ll learn how to build your self-esteem, accept compliments without hesitation, put your best foot forward in every situation possible, and more!
1) Do something you are scared of everyday
If you’re working to overcome a fear, start by confronting it. Whether that means taking small steps toward facing your fears every day or getting a bit more dramatic and putting yourself into scary situations for short periods of time, it’s best to make your fear work for you rather than running from it.
Doing so not only helps you face and conquer your fear but also empowers you with confidence moving forward, knowing that if push comes to shove, you can handle just about anything life throws at you. And who doesn’t want that?
2) Set goals
One of the most effective ways to become more confident is by setting attainable goals. Take a second and think about a time when you’ve accomplished something—anything. You were probably filled with a sense of confidence after that experience. The key isn’t just completing your goal but doing it with style, getting out there and kicking butt along your way to success.
This same principle can be applied when you set any other kind of goal—whether it be personal or professional (or both!). When you know what you want, why you want it, how you’re going to get it, and are able to visualize yourself as an achievement machine rather than as an uncertainty-filled excuse machine, good things happen.
3) Get a coach/mentor
Whether it’s a relative, family friend, or business-savvy colleague, a mentor or coach can be invaluable when you’re trying to build confidence. You’ll often receive sage advice about how to handle tough situations.
Additionally, you can get honest feedback about your professional and personal life—there’s no better way for you to know if you need help than getting advice from someone who’s seen (and experienced) what you haven’t. If there aren’t any mentors around, try looking online; one person won’t have all of your answers but they might be able to point you in the right direction.
4) Write positive things about yourself
I’m sure you’ve heard of affirmations before, and chances are you’ve even tried writing down what you like about yourself. Maybe it was just a few things, or maybe your list was extensive. Either way, keep at it—because there’s an interesting psychological phenomenon that can make positive self-talk work better than ever before.
By simply talking about yourself in a positive light, either out loud or written down (as if you were talking to someone else), you can train your brain to recognize confidence when it sees it—and then bring some of that positivity into your own world.
5) Leave the house and socialize with people you don’t know
Being shy isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you find that you have difficulty going out and meeting new people, it can be detrimental to your confidence. There are many simple ways you can make socializing less daunting. One option is to take classes or join clubs that involve meeting new people such as dance or art.
Another possibility is joining a few networking groups for your area of work—if there are events where you meet with other professionals, even once a month, it will get easier over time. Finally, make an effort to reach out and say hello when you’re out; most strangers will appreciate being invited into conversation!
6) Go to sleep and wake up on time
Getting into a routine is key to building confidence, as it provides a sense of stability and order. By ensuring you get enough sleep, you’ll have plenty of energy to accomplish tasks on time while maintaining energy throughout your day. Since waking up on time will help you accomplish other things more efficiently, it’s important that you set a specific wake-up time each day and stick with it.
This way, your body becomes accustomed to waking up at that time and doesn’t feel groggy when it happens; getting used to being awake before 8 a.m. can also help improve your productivity for early mornings later in life.
7) Exercise everyday
If you want confidence, start with your body. Working out can boost self-esteem and improve focus and concentration. Don’t worry if you haven’t worked out since high school gym class; there are plenty of exercises you can do from home that don’t require much skill or any equipment at all.
Exercise will also help reduce stress, which is key for confidence: The more relaxed we feel, the easier it is to keep a positive attitude about our work and about life in general.
8) Eat healthy, avoid junk food
Just as you wouldn’t put cheap, low-quality fuel into your car and expect it to run smoothly, you shouldn’t fill your body with junk food. There are plenty of reasons for why eating healthy foods boosts confidence (nutrition, self-esteem), but for now let’s focus on one of those that might be most noticeable: physical appearance. When you eat too much fat and sugar, your body absorbs them easily—so not only can they cause major health problems over time (like heart disease), but they also make you pack on extra pounds.
On top of that, these types of foods contain very few nutrients. The right kinds of protein will help reduce cravings and keep hunger at bay so that eating more nutrient-rich foods becomes easier!
9) Keep a gratitude journal
One of the best ways to build confidence is by keeping a gratitude journal. Gratitude is an often overlooked personality trait, but studies have shown that practicing gratitude can improve overall happiness and self-confidence.
Each night before you go to bed, write down five things you’re grateful for or someone who made your day better. This can be as simple as saying thank you more often and making daily lists of things that went well each day.
10) Practice mindfulness/meditation
Meditation is more than just a relaxation technique—it can also help you develop mindfulness, an important factor when it comes to having confidence.
Being mindful means actively observing your own feelings and thoughts, accepting them without judgement and being fully present in whatever you’re doing (even if it’s something mundane). Practicing mindfulness for just five minutes a day can have a significant impact on how confident you feel about yourself.