Lots of people start their blogging career with the hope that they will be successful and earn their living from blogging.
But very few of them become successful. It does not mean that others cannot.
There are lots of major blogging mistakes these beginners make and this was the main reason for them in not becoming successful.
So in this blog I thought of highlighting some of the major blogging mistakes so that beginners can try avoiding them and become successful in their blogging career.
Blogging mistakes beginners need to avoid
Trying To Be Perfect
Remember, no one is perfect in this world. Most of the beginners wanted to make everything perfect in their blog.
They start comparing with already well established blogging sites and try to be like them.
But remember, this was the major blogging mistake you are doing.
Never try to be perfect, especially when you are a beginner.
Never try to be perfect, especially when you are a beginner. Share on XJust keep writing and you will learn a lots of things as time passes by.
Do not try to be perfect and do not get worried on what people will think about your writing.
You will never learn unless you do.
People who are laughing at your writing are those who just sit and throw stones at others, but the fact is they only do that. They never do anything new and grow in their life.
So why to bother about them.
Keep doing mistakes, start learning and start growing.
2. Lack Of Proper Planning
Lots of bloggers begin their career of blogging while still doing their full time job.
This was a great thing to do unless you see some business going through your blog.
But the major mistake they do is, they lack in planning.
They publish post whenever they want, sometimes they do not publish it for 2 weeks and then suddenly they start publishing 3 blogs at a time and then again do not publish for next 2 to 3 weeks.
This is a very bad strategy and one of the major mistake made my lots of beginner bloggers.
So I would strongly suggest you to have a proper blogging scheduled planned ahead.
Try to get ready with all of your blog content at least 1 Month ahead.
If you are using WordPress, you will have the option of scheduling your blogs.
So even when you are working in your full time job, your blog will go live and provide fresh content to your visitors.
Plan the similar way for your social media as well.
There are lots of free and paid tools which can help you automate your social media postings when ever a new blog is published.
Even all your old blogs can be automated to post on continuous basis, so that your blogging business keep going even when you are sick or in vacation.
So plan things ahead and become successful.
3. Not Maintaining An Email List
Money is in your list.
If you are not collecting email Ids of your blog visitors then it will be the major mistake you are doing.
Having an email list is very important for any online business.
Having an email list is very important for any online business. Share on XYou can keep sending emails to them about your new blog going live, new ebook you released or new affiliate product that was released in to the market.
There are many tools like Aweber which can help you with the complete process.
I have a detailed blog written on why email list is important for your online business, you can read it for more information.
4. Not Treating Your Blog As a Business
This was another major mistake bloggers make. They treat their blog as a hobby instead of treating at as a business.
If you are planning to make some money from your blog then please avoid doing this mistake of considering your blog as a hobby.
Consider yourself as the CEO of your blog and keep posting consistently.
Trust me, if you maintain consistency in your blogging and write quality blogs then over the time you will be able to earn good amount of money through it.
It can any way like adsense, affiliate marketing or people paying you for mentioning about their brand in your blog.
So start considering your blogging as a business and become profitable from it.
Keep investing some money into it. Get a good web hosting service like BlueHost, invest in getting attractive theme, invest in an email marketing tool like Aweber, hire some VA to help you do routine tasks.
5. Thinking Too Much And Not Doing Anything
I used to be like this in the beginning of my blogging career. I used to think too much and not do anything.
I used to think on whether I should write long posts or short posts, I used to think like whether I need to hire VA or do myself, I used to think like whether I need to invest money in tools or use free tools.
I am not telling you not to think.
But thinking alone will not be sufficient.
Just keep doing without thinking too much.
6. Not Monitoring Your Traffic
This was another major mistake you should avoid. Know from where your visitors are coming from and focus there.
For example, you might be investing your time in promoting your blog through various social channels like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
But you might be getting your major traffic from Pinterest. You should know about it so that you can spend more time there.
Free tools like Google Analytics can help you with this. It is very easy to set up to your site, so make effective use of it.
There might be lots of other blogging mistakes you might be doing. But these are some of the major blogging mistakes you need to avoid.
Start avoiding them from today and earn good money from your blog.
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